In 2019, Telford & Wrekin Council declared a climate emergency. It is now working, along with partners, to go carbon neutral by 2030

Lawley hedgerow now looking better - Clare

Annual leave, sunshine and debris = an afternoon litter pick for my community

Lawley hedgerow now looking better - Clare

I was lucky to have annual leave with the sun shining brightly and decided to make the most of the fine weather by spending an hour in Lawley's hedgerow.  Armed with my litter picker, thick gloves and reusable face mask I started out on my task to clear the hedgerow of debris.

I often take a lunch time stroll in Lawley to have a break from my daily job at Telford & Wrekin Council as a Climate Change & Sustainability Project Officer and to take some exercise in the fresh air.  However, during my stroll it is very alarming to spot so many discarded items in the hedegrow from small sweet wrappers to an empty plastic bucket, deflated helium balloon and even a wheel trim!  

The increase in disposable face masks has been noticeable but also the amount of plastic bottles and takeaway wrappings is on the rise. 

Litter makes where we live look ugly and it is really important to keep our community clean so that humans, animals and plants are not exposed to pollutants that can harm them.  We can all make a difference and play an active role in taking pride in our community.


If you care about your local area the Council can help you to make your community spirit go even further, you can become a Climate Change Champion, Street Champion or both!  Every little helps.








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