Zero Waste
Hello my name is Jade, and I have recently become a climate change champion. The way we treat our environment effects our very existence.
21 Jul 2021

Small Changes Big Difference
I wanted to support Telford and Wrekin Council’s participation in the Great British Spring Clean on 12th June and, although I couldn’t attend their events in Telford, I was able to litter pick around my own neighbourhood on the same day.
06 Jul 2021

What have I been doing recently to help make a difference to save the planet?
Hello, my name is Kasia, and I recently became a climate change champion. As part of this position, I wanted to take some time to share what my family and I have been doing to reduce our environmental impact.
02 Jun 2021

My name is Lynn and I'm a climate change champion. Some would call me an eco-warrior!
I have MS and use a wheelchair. But “no-one is too small to make a difference” - Greta Thunberg 2018
19 May 2021

Lawley hedgerow now looking better - Clare
Annual leave, sunshine and debris = an afternoon litter pick for my community
26 Feb 2021

How I plan to cut single use packaging and my food waste - Syd
Although I try to only buy what I need for the week, inevitably some food is wasted because it just does not last long enough. The pandemic has changed the way many of us shop, with people stocking up for longer and making fewer trips out.
17 Feb 2021

Improving my environmental footprint
My name is Samantha and I recently became a climate change volunteer. As part of this role I wanted to share some of the actions myself and my family have taken in recent months to try and improve our environmental footprint.
03 Feb 2021

Keli and The Little Green Pantry
Now that I am a mother I have a new found urgency to protect our planet for future generations
04 Dec 2020

Telford's Green Spaces
Hi, my name is Ollie and I’m a Climate Change Champion as part of Telford and Wrekin Council’s initiative to have a greener and more environmentally friendly town.
10 Nov 2020

Litter picking in the rain....
Arthog Outreach exploring the community and making a difference
01 Oct 2020

Climate Change and Paddle Boarding!
Climate change really does impact on all of our lives and see why I wanted to be a Climate Change Champion - watch my video!
22 Sep 2020

Dave and why Green energy is important to me
Small changes we can make to our lives can make a global difference
18 Sep 2020