In 2019, Telford & Wrekin Council declared a climate emergency. It is now working, along with partners, to go carbon neutral by 2030

The 10 R's of Sustainable Living

Climate change is a part of all of our lives and people are ready to change their mind set to become more sustainable. The question often asked is ‘where do I start?’ So here are a few guidelines to get you started on the journey........................... the 10 R’s of Sustainable Living.

The 10 R's of Sustainable Living

Respect, Responsibility, Refuse, Reduce, Rethink, Repurpose, Reuse, Repair, Recycle, Restore


Respect.  It all starts with respect and having esteem for one’s self, others, property, our natural, physical, cultural, social and economic environments; and earth’s delicate ecosystem.  The challenge lies in a willingness to do things differently than we have in the past.


Responsibility.  If we continue to use the planet’s non-renewable resources, such as oil, coal and other minerals at current rates of use and continue to misuse renewable resources such as fertile soils and forests, sometime in the future the entire ecological system will fall apart.  Take responsibility, take it personally and make small changes where you can.  Together we can make a difference.


Refuse. Refuse single use plastics – plastic bags, disposable coffee cups and lids, plastic straws. Refuse to do what is wrong.


Reduce. Reducing the amount of purchased goods is an efficient and sensible measure to save energy and money.  Reduce meat in your diet – meat production is a carbon intensive industry.


Rethink. Think about what you buy as this will help the environment -  look for better information on durability of products (if replacement parts can be obtained).   Try to buy products with as little packaging as possible.  Ask yourself if you really need that new item? Or can you go without it?


Repurpose.  Upcycling is the new buzz word.  It is the process of transforming by-products, waste materials, useless or unwanted products into new materials or products.  


Reuse. Reuse objects and don’t succumb to the pressure of the buying the latest model, even if it’s faster or brighter.  Generally, the longer a product lasts, the less impact it causes environmentally.  Get creative – reupholster that tired looking sofa.


Repair. The production and disposal of durable goods such as kitchen equipment and furniture products are causing major impacts on the environment.  If an object has broken, try to fix it before you think about buying another. 


Recycle. Reclaim or reprocess items that have expired from their serviceable purpose, so they may once again be made into something useful and reduce the need for raw materials and expending energy to make new products.  See here for recycling advice.


Restore.  Working with nature is an exciting challenge and we can all have a positive impact on the planet to ensure it can recover.  Take it personally! Care for the earth, care for people and together we can work towards restoring the planet.


The 10-R’s of Sustainability: Earth Month® 2022 I Saving Our Home - The 10-R's of Sustainability (

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